The benefits of reading are limitless. That’s why, as parents, we’ll do anything to get our kids to learn how to read. We’re determined to teach them how to read so that they can reap the benefits of it.
No matter how tired we are, we always find the time to read out a book to our kids. The good news is that our tireless efforts aren’t futile. As much as our kids benefit, so do we. Read on to find out how parents can benefit from reading out loud to children.
Better Parents
It’s not easy to find time to read aloud to our kids. We have to make an effort to make it happen. However, this article might just be able to encourage more parents to read aloud to their kids.
According to the article, harsh parenting can be avoided when parents read regularly to their kids. At the same time, kids turn out to be more behaved when their parents read to them regularly.
This is backed up by a study that shows the positive effects of shared reading on parenting. The study, led by the researchers from the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, cites how reading strengthens the bond between parent and child.
Both the parent and the child become better people. I don’t just find that interesting but encouraging as well.
The shared reading study is the first to focus on parenting. Most of the studies on shared reading have always been focused on kids benefiting from reading.
This particular study is different. It focuses on how parents improve their parenting skills when they take some time to read aloud to their kids.
A lot of studies have already proven that reading aloud can help kids develop their language, emotional skills, and literacy. Needless to say, the focus of these studies has been geared towards children.
However, this particular study focuses on how parents become gentler when they spend time reading aloud to their kids. While it’s the first time a study has delved into the parenting side of shared reading, it is, no doubt, good news for a parent like me.
More About The Study
The study shows how both the parent and child benefit from reading, with the former developing more patience and the latter becoming more behaved.
Easy, Simple 15 Minutes A Day Reading Method Turned My Child From A Struggling Reader To An Advanced Reader. Works Great For Young Children Too. Click To Read My Story.
Manuel Jimenez, the lead researcher of the study, explains how reading provides both academic and emotional benefits to a child. He adds that reading can also help develop positive parenting skills.
The study based its findings on 2165 pairs of mother and child. They all came from major cities in the United States. The study focused on how often the mothers read to their kids at ages one to three.
After two years, the mothers were interviewed again. They were asked about the way they disciplined their kids. They were also asked about the behavior of their kids.
Certain factors that could contribute to harsh parenting and disruptive child behavior were controlled. These factors were financial hardship and parental depression.
The results were astonishing. Moms, who regularly read to their one-year-old kid, hardly exhibited harsh parenting right up to the time their kid turned 3.
At the same token, moms, who regularly read to their three-year-old kid, hardly exhibited harsh parenting right up to the time their kid turned five.
It’s safe to say that frequent shared reading lessens the chances of becoming a harsh parent as time goes by.
The study showed fewer disruptive behaviors in kids which could also explain why parents exhibited better parenting skills. It could also be that since parents exhibited better parenting skills, there were fewer disruptive behaviors in kids. Either way, both mom and child become better people.
The study sheds light on parents, like me, who patiently take some time to read aloud to their kids. In spite of all the challenges, it feels good to know that reading aloud to our kids can help us become better parents.
When your child learns to read at an early age, it expands their vocabulary and opens up their love for learning. It helps build their confidence and vastly improves their learning abilities.
And based on my experience, having the right reading methodology when teaching your child learn to read makes a world of difference.
I should know as I made that mistake. ๐ข
In fact, you can read my story about my child’s struggle with reading here and how we were able to help my child become an advanced reader here. ๐๐ค